The Burning Question: How Many Revel Cars Can You Fit in Central Park (Without Spooking the Squirrels)?
Ah, Revel. The bright blue electric taxis that took the Big Apple by storm (well, more of a gentle electric hum, really). You've gotta love cruising around NYC in a Tesla, feeling all fancy-free and eco-conscious, while simultaneously dodging rogue pigeons and jaywalking tourists. But a question has been nagging at us city slickers like a stubborn poppy seed in our bagel: just how many of these electric chariots are there on the streets?
A Deep Dive into the Electric Zoo:
According to internet whispers (reliable source, obviously), Revel started skedaddling around NYC in 2021 with a measly 50 Tesla Model Ys. That's like, what, one car per borough and maybe a spare for Staten Island (don't @ me, Staten Islanders, you know I'm right). But fear not, fellow travelers! By November 2023, Revel apparently amped up their fleet to a whopping 500+ electric vehicles. Now we're talking! Imagine the possibilities: a Revel conga line stretching from Battery Park to Harlem, a synchronized Tesla ballet in Times Square (okay, maybe not that last one, but a man can dream).
But Wait, There's More! (Because Numbers Are Fun)
Here's the thing, folks: that 500+ figure includes Revel's stomping grounds in New Jersey too. So, how many Teslas are blessing the asphalt of NYC specifically? Well, that my friends, is a bit of a mystery. Revel's keeping that number under wraps tighter than a bodega cat with a tuna can. Maybe they're afraid we'll try to count them all and, in a caffeine-fueled frenzy, accidentally create a human pyramid on top of a Tesla. Stranger things have happened in this city (cough, cough, the Naked Cowboy).
The Grand Finale: So, How Many Revel Cars Are There Really?
The answer, dear reader, is somewhere between "a whole heck of a lot" and "enough to make a pretty sweet electric car Jenga game." If you're dying to know the exact number, your best bet is to grab a Revel (responsibly, of course) and chat up the driver. Maybe they'll spill the electric beans (pun intended). In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for those bright blue Teslas, and remember: with great electric power, comes great responsibility to not spook the Central Park squirrels.